January 2023

Tr Series Aircraft - "SR 91" redirects here. For other uses, see SR 91 (disambiguation). For the Canadian maritime patrol aircraft, see Lockheed CP-140 Aurora.

The Aurora was an alleged American reconnaissance aircraft in the mid-1980s. There is no substantial evidence that it was ever built or flown, and it has been called a myth.

Tr Series Aircraft

Tr Series Aircraft

The US government has repeatedly died, such a plane has already been built. Aviation and space reference website Aerospaceweb.org concluded: "Evidence supporting Aurora is either circumstantial or pure conjecture, there is little reason to dispute the government's position."

File:an Air To Air Left Side View Of A Tr 1 Tactical Reconnaissance Aircraft Df St86 09329 .jpg

Former Skunk Works director B Rich confirmed that "Aurora" was just a myth in Skunk Works (1994), a book detailing his days as a director. Rich wrote that a colonel working at Ptagon arbitrarily assigned the name "Aurora" to fund the B-2 bomber design competition, and somehow the name was leaked to the media.

In 2006, veteran Black Project observer and aviation writer Bill Sweetman said, "Does Aurora exist? Years of observation have led me to believe that, yes, Aurora is likely in active development, fueled by the right advances that have allowed technology to achieve the ambition that launched the program a year ago."

The Aurora War began in March 1990, when Aviation Week & Space Technology magazine broke the news that the term "Aurora" had been inadvertently included in the 1985 US budget as an appropriation of $455 million for "blacks from the production of aircraft" in fiscal 1987.

According to Aviation Week, Project Aurora referred to a group of exotic aircraft rather than a specific airframe. Funding for the project totaled $2.3 billion in fiscal 1987, according to a 1986 acquisition document obtained by Aviation Week. In the 1994 book Skunk Works, B Rich, former head of Lockheed's Skunk Works division, wrote that Aurora was the budget codename for the stealth bomber flight that resulted in the B-2 Spirit.

Aviation Data Science Lab

In the late 1980s, many aerospace industry observers believed that the US had the technological capability to build a Mach 5 (hypersonic speed) replacement for the aging Lockheed SR-71 Blackbird. Detailed examinations of the US defense budget claim to have found money missing or funneled to black projects.

In the mid-1990s, reports surfaced of sightings of unidentified aircraft flying over California and the UK, including strangely shaped contrails, noises and similar patterns that suggested the US had developed such an aircraft. Nothing has ever linked any of these sightings to any program or type of aircraft, but the name Aurora was often stamped on them as a way of explaining the sightings.

In late August 1989, while working as an engineer on the GSF barge Galveston Key in the North Sea, Chris Gibson saw an unidentified triangular aircraft, apparently being refueled by a Boeing KC-135 Stratotanker and accompanied by a pair of F fighter-bombers. -111. Gibson watched the plane for several minutes until they disappeared from view. He then drew a sketch of the formation.

Tr Series Aircraft

When the sighting became public in 1992, British Secretary of Defense Tom King was told: "There is no knowledge within the Ministry of Defense of a 'black' program of this nature, although this does not come as a surprise to relevant officials at Headquarters and Protection of the General Staff of Intelligence, if it existed".

Turkish Defense Industry Takes Flight In 2022

An accident at RAF Boscombe Down in Wiltshire on 26 September 1994 appeared to be closely linked to "black" missions, according to an AirForces Monthly report. Further investigation was hampered by a flood of USAF aircraft on the base. Special Air Service personnel arrived in civilian clothes in an Agusta 109. The crash site was protected by fire windows and tarps, and the base was closed to all flights immediately afterwards.

An unsubstantiated claim on the Horsted Keynes village website purports to show pictures of the trail left by an unusual sonic boom heard over the village in July 2002. In 2005, the information was used in a BBC report on the Aurora project.

A series of unusual sonic booms were detected in Southern California starting in mid-1991 and recorded by the United States Geological Survey across Southern California, used to identify earthquake epicenters.

The sonic booms were characteristic of a smaller vehicle rather than the spacecraft's 37-metre-long orbit. Furthermore, neither the Shuttle nor NASA's only SR-71B were operating on the days when the booms were recorded.

File:lockheed T 33 Shooting Star '69330

In the article "In Airplane View?" which appeared in the Washington City Gazette on July 3, 1992 (pp. 12–13), one of the seismologists, Jim Mori, noted, "We can't say anything about the vehicle. They sound louder than the rumbles of other voices we hear. we record from time to time. They all arrived on Thursday morning at the same time, between 4 and 7."

Former NASA sonic boom expert Dom Maglieri studied 15-year sonic boom data from the California Institute of Technology and opined that the data showed "something at 90,000 feet (about 27 km), Mach 4 to Mach 5.2 .. He also said that the booms did not appear to be from aircraft traveling through the atmosphere many kilometers away at Los Angeles International Airport, but appeared to be booms from a high-altitude aircraft directly above the Earth moving at great speed.

There was nothing special to connect these Evts to any aircraft, but they served to increase the number of Aurora stories.

Tr Series Aircraft

On March 23, 1992, near Amarillo, Texas, Steve Douglass photographed contrail "donuts on a string" and associated this sight with peculiar sounds. He described the denim noise as: "a strange, loud pulsating roar... unique... a deep, pulsating rumble that vibrated the house and rattled the windows... untimely pulsations." In addition to providing the first photographs of the distinctive trail previously reported by many, the importance of this sighting was heightened by Douglass' reports of intercepts of radio transmissions: "Air-to-air communications...between an AWACS aircraft with the call sign "Dragnet 51" from Tinker AFB, Oklahoma, and two unknown aircraft using the call signs "Darkstar November" and "Darkstar Mike". The messages consisted of alphanumeric messages transmitted phonetically. It is not known whether this radio traffic had anything to do with the pulsator that had just flown over Amarillo." ("Darkstar" is also an AWACS aircraft callsign from a different squadron at Tinker AFB)

Exercise Tiltrotor/rotary Wing (tr/rw) 2107 > Misawa Air Base > Article Display

A month later, California radio operators monitoring Edwards AFB Radar (named "Joshua Control") heard early morning radio transmissions between Joshua and a high-flying aircraft using the "Gaspipe" signal. "You're 67,000 feet, 81 miles out" was heard, followed by "70 miles out now, 36,000 feet, up the glideslope." As in the past, nothing linked these sightings to any particular aircraft or program, but the attribution to Aurora helped expand the footprint.

In February 1994, former Rachel, Nevada resident and Area 51 expert Chuck Clark claimed to have filmed the Aurora rising from the Groom Lake facility. In David Darlington's book Area 51: The Dreamland Chronicles he said:

I saw the Aurora take off one night - or an aircraft matching the Aurora's familiar configuration, a twin-tailed pointed delta about one hundred and thirty feet long. It left a lighted hangar at two-thirty in the morning. and used a lot of runway to take off. There was a red light overhead, but the minute the wheels left the track, the light went out and that was the last I saw of it. I didn't hear it because the wind was blowing behind me towards the base." I asked him what happened. "February 1994. Obviously they didn't think there was anyone there. It was thirty below zero - maybe ninety below with the wind chill factor. I had walked to White Sides by a more difficult path than usual, and remained there two or three days among the rocks, under a camouflage tarpaulin with six layers of cloth. I had an insulated face mask and two sleeping bags, so I didn't leave any heat marks. I recorded the plane through a telescope with a 500mm f4 ls attached via a C-ring to a high-eight digital video camera with 520 scan lines of resolution, which is better than TV." asked, "Where's the tape?" "Locked. This is a legitimate spy plane; My purpose is not to provide legitimate national defense. When they're ready to reveal it, I'll probably release the tape." [16] Additional claims[edit]

By 1996, reports associated with the Aurora name had declined in frequency, suggesting to people who believed the aircraft existed that it was just a prototype or that it had a short lifespan.

Atr Readies First Stol Prototype For Early Stage Flight Tests

In 2000, Aberde Press and Journal writer Nic Outerside wrote an article about secret American technology in Scotland. Citing confidential "sources", he claimed that RAF/USAF Machrihanish in Kintyre, Argyll was a base for Aurora jets. Machrihanish's nearly 2-mile (3.2 km) runway makes it suitable for high-altitude aircraft and experimental forced coastal approaches, making it ideal for takeoffs and landings well away from the eyes or cameras.

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Tr Series Aircraft - "SR 91" redirects here. For other uses, see SR 91 (disambiguation). For the Canadian maritime patrol aircraft, see Lockheed CP-140 Aurora.

The Aurora was an alleged American reconnaissance aircraft in the mid-1980s. There is no substantial evidence that it was ever built or flown, and it has been called a myth.

Tr Series Aircraft

Tr Series Aircraft

The US government has repeatedly died, such a plane has already been built. Aviation and space reference website Aerospaceweb.org concluded: "Evidence supporting Aurora is either circumstantial or pure conjecture, there is little reason to dispute the government's position."

File:an Air To Air Left Side View Of A Tr 1 Tactical Reconnaissance Aircraft Df St86 09329 .jpg

Former Skunk Works director B Rich confirmed that "Aurora" was just a myth in Skunk Works (1994), a book detailing his days as a director. Rich wrote that a colonel working at Ptagon arbitrarily assigned the name "Aurora" to fund the B-2 bomber design competition, and somehow the name was leaked to the media.

In 2006, veteran Black Project observer and aviation writer Bill Sweetman said, "Does Aurora exist? Years of observation have led me to believe that, yes, Aurora is likely in active development, fueled by the right advances that have allowed technology to achieve the ambition that launched the program a year ago."

The Aurora War began in March 1990, when Aviation Week & Space Technology magazine broke the news that the term "Aurora" had been inadvertently included in the 1985 US budget as an appropriation of $455 million for "blacks from the production of aircraft" in fiscal 1987.

According to Aviation Week, Project Aurora referred to a group of exotic aircraft rather than a specific airframe. Funding for the project totaled $2.3 billion in fiscal 1987, according to a 1986 acquisition document obtained by Aviation Week. In the 1994 book Skunk Works, B Rich, former head of Lockheed's Skunk Works division, wrote that Aurora was the budget codename for the stealth bomber flight that resulted in the B-2 Spirit.

Aviation Data Science Lab

In the late 1980s, many aerospace industry observers believed that the US had the technological capability to build a Mach 5 (hypersonic speed) replacement for the aging Lockheed SR-71 Blackbird. Detailed examinations of the US defense budget claim to have found money missing or funneled to black projects.

In the mid-1990s, reports surfaced of sightings of unidentified aircraft flying over California and the UK, including strangely shaped contrails, noises and similar patterns that suggested the US had developed such an aircraft. Nothing has ever linked any of these sightings to any program or type of aircraft, but the name Aurora was often stamped on them as a way of explaining the sightings.

In late August 1989, while working as an engineer on the GSF barge Galveston Key in the North Sea, Chris Gibson saw an unidentified triangular aircraft, apparently being refueled by a Boeing KC-135 Stratotanker and accompanied by a pair of F fighter-bombers. -111. Gibson watched the plane for several minutes until they disappeared from view. He then drew a sketch of the formation.

Tr Series Aircraft

When the sighting became public in 1992, British Secretary of Defense Tom King was told: "There is no knowledge within the Ministry of Defense of a 'black' program of this nature, although this does not come as a surprise to relevant officials at Headquarters and Protection of the General Staff of Intelligence, if it existed".

Turkish Defense Industry Takes Flight In 2022

An accident at RAF Boscombe Down in Wiltshire on 26 September 1994 appeared to be closely linked to "black" missions, according to an AirForces Monthly report. Further investigation was hampered by a flood of USAF aircraft on the base. Special Air Service personnel arrived in civilian clothes in an Agusta 109. The crash site was protected by fire windows and tarps, and the base was closed to all flights immediately afterwards.

An unsubstantiated claim on the Horsted Keynes village website purports to show pictures of the trail left by an unusual sonic boom heard over the village in July 2002. In 2005, the information was used in a BBC report on the Aurora project.

A series of unusual sonic booms were detected in Southern California starting in mid-1991 and recorded by the United States Geological Survey across Southern California, used to identify earthquake epicenters.

The sonic booms were characteristic of a smaller vehicle rather than the spacecraft's 37-metre-long orbit. Furthermore, neither the Shuttle nor NASA's only SR-71B were operating on the days when the booms were recorded.

File:lockheed T 33 Shooting Star '69330

In the article "In Airplane View?" which appeared in the Washington City Gazette on July 3, 1992 (pp. 12–13), one of the seismologists, Jim Mori, noted, "We can't say anything about the vehicle. They sound louder than the rumbles of other voices we hear. we record from time to time. They all arrived on Thursday morning at the same time, between 4 and 7."

Former NASA sonic boom expert Dom Maglieri studied 15-year sonic boom data from the California Institute of Technology and opined that the data showed "something at 90,000 feet (about 27 km), Mach 4 to Mach 5.2 .. He also said that the booms did not appear to be from aircraft traveling through the atmosphere many kilometers away at Los Angeles International Airport, but appeared to be booms from a high-altitude aircraft directly above the Earth moving at great speed.

There was nothing special to connect these Evts to any aircraft, but they served to increase the number of Aurora stories.

Tr Series Aircraft

On March 23, 1992, near Amarillo, Texas, Steve Douglass photographed contrail "donuts on a string" and associated this sight with peculiar sounds. He described the denim noise as: "a strange, loud pulsating roar... unique... a deep, pulsating rumble that vibrated the house and rattled the windows... untimely pulsations." In addition to providing the first photographs of the distinctive trail previously reported by many, the importance of this sighting was heightened by Douglass' reports of intercepts of radio transmissions: "Air-to-air communications...between an AWACS aircraft with the call sign "Dragnet 51" from Tinker AFB, Oklahoma, and two unknown aircraft using the call signs "Darkstar November" and "Darkstar Mike". The messages consisted of alphanumeric messages transmitted phonetically. It is not known whether this radio traffic had anything to do with the pulsator that had just flown over Amarillo." ("Darkstar" is also an AWACS aircraft callsign from a different squadron at Tinker AFB)

Exercise Tiltrotor/rotary Wing (tr/rw) 2107 > Misawa Air Base > Article Display

A month later, California radio operators monitoring Edwards AFB Radar (named "Joshua Control") heard early morning radio transmissions between Joshua and a high-flying aircraft using the "Gaspipe" signal. "You're 67,000 feet, 81 miles out" was heard, followed by "70 miles out now, 36,000 feet, up the glideslope." As in the past, nothing linked these sightings to any particular aircraft or program, but the attribution to Aurora helped expand the footprint.

In February 1994, former Rachel, Nevada resident and Area 51 expert Chuck Clark claimed to have filmed the Aurora rising from the Groom Lake facility. In David Darlington's book Area 51: The Dreamland Chronicles he said:

I saw the Aurora take off one night - or an aircraft matching the Aurora's familiar configuration, a twin-tailed pointed delta about one hundred and thirty feet long. It left a lighted hangar at two-thirty in the morning. and used a lot of runway to take off. There was a red light overhead, but the minute the wheels left the track, the light went out and that was the last I saw of it. I didn't hear it because the wind was blowing behind me towards the base." I asked him what happened. "February 1994. Obviously they didn't think there was anyone there. It was thirty below zero - maybe ninety below with the wind chill factor. I had walked to White Sides by a more difficult path than usual, and remained there two or three days among the rocks, under a camouflage tarpaulin with six layers of cloth. I had an insulated face mask and two sleeping bags, so I didn't leave any heat marks. I recorded the plane through a telescope with a 500mm f4 ls attached via a C-ring to a high-eight digital video camera with 520 scan lines of resolution, which is better than TV." asked, "Where's the tape?" "Locked. This is a legitimate spy plane; My purpose is not to provide legitimate national defense. When they're ready to reveal it, I'll probably release the tape." [16] Additional claims[edit]

By 1996, reports associated with the Aurora name had declined in frequency, suggesting to people who believed the aircraft existed that it was just a prototype or that it had a short lifespan.

Atr Readies First Stol Prototype For Early Stage Flight Tests

In 2000, Aberde Press and Journal writer Nic Outerside wrote an article about secret American technology in Scotland. Citing confidential "sources", he claimed that RAF/USAF Machrihanish in Kintyre, Argyll was a base for Aurora jets. Machrihanish's nearly 2-mile (3.2 km) runway makes it suitable for high-altitude aircraft and experimental forced coastal approaches, making it ideal for takeoffs and landings well away from the eyes or cameras.

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Tr Aircraft - The Tri-R KIS TR-1 is an American homebuilt aircraft designed by Rich Trickel and manufactured by Tri-R Technologies of Oxnard, California and introduced in the 1990s. When available, the aircraft was supplied as an amateur construction kit.

Trickel's core business was High Tech Composites, which subcontracted many airframe components for aircraft such as the Lancair 235, Lancair 320 and Lancair IV. Trickel originally drew the new aircraft as a set of three views for an Australian client looking for a new traditional concept aircraft. The client liked the design but never paid for the drawings, so Trickel brought them home and did the design work himself. The new design eventually became the KIS TR-1.

Tr Aircraft

Tr Aircraft

The KIS TR-1 cantilevered underwing, enclosed cockpit, side-by-side two-seat configuration, accessible through gull-wing doors, with fixed tricycle landing gear or optional conventional landing gear, wheeled pants and single engine. in tractor configuration.

Odyssey Aviation Detroit

The plane is made of composites. Its 23.00 ft (7.0 m) span, rectangular wing uses a NACA 63-215 airfoil, fitted wings, and a wing area of ​​88.00 sq ft (8.175 m).

). The acceptable power range is 80–125 hp (60–93 kW), with standard engines being the 125 hp (93 kW) Continental O-240, the 108 hp (81 kW) Lycoming O-235-C1B, or the 80 HP (60 kW) Limbach L2000 drive unit.

The KIS TR-1 has a typical empty weight of 750 pounds (340 kg) and a gross weight of 1,300 pounds (590 kg), giving it a payload of 550 pounds (250 kg). With 20 US gallons (76 L; 17 imp gal) of full fuel, the payload for pilot, passenger and baggage is 430 lb (200 kg).

Standard day, sea level, no wind, 125 hp (93 kW) genie takeoff is 600 ft (183 m) and runway is 1,200 ft (366 m).

File:fiat Tr 1 Right Side Naca Aircraft Circular No.130.jpg

Original model with tricycle chassis and 1300 lb (590 kg) gross weight. By 1998, the company reported that 25 aircraft had been completed and flown.

As of March 2014, t examples were registered with the Federal Aviation Administration in the United States, although a total of 13 examples were registered at one time.

Conventional chassis ("Taildragger") with an empty weight of 800 lb (360 kg) and a gross weight of 1,425 lb (646 kg). Fuel is 34 US gallons (130 L; 28 imp gallons). By 1998, the company announced that eight aircraft were completed and flying."SR 91" redirects here. For other uses, see SR 91 (disambiguation). For the Canadian naval patrol aircraft, see Lockheed CP-140 Aurora.

Tr Aircraft

The Aurora was said to be an American reconnaissance aircraft from the mid-1980s. There is no significant evidence that it was ever built or flown, so it is called a myth.

F 35 Conducts First Flight With Tr 3 > Hill Air Force Base > Article Display

The US government kept dying that such an aircraft had ever been built. Aviation and space research site Aerospaceweb.org concluded: "The evidence supporting Aurora is circumstantial or mere speculation, with no reason to contradict the government's position."

Former Skunk Works director B Rich confirmed that "Aurora" was simply a myth in Skunk Works (1994), a book detailing his days as director. Rich wrote that a colonel at Ptagon arbitrarily assigned the name "Aurora" to fund a B-2 bomber design competition, and the name somehow leaked to the media.

In 2006, veteran black project watcher and aviation writer Bill Sweetman said, "Does Aurora exist? Years of chasing have led me to believe that, yes, Aurora is most likely under active development, driven by real advances in technology." to catch up with the ambition that started the program a generation ago."

The Aurora phase began in March 1990, when Aviation Week & Space Technology magazine reported that the term "Aurora" had been accidentally included in the 1985 US budget as $455 million for "black aircraft production" in fiscal year 1987. .

Italeri 2809 Lockheed Tr 1a/b 1:48 Plastic Model Kit

According to Aviation Week, Project Aurora referred to a group of exotic aircraft rather than a specific kite. Funding for the project reportedly reached $2.3 billion in fiscal year 1987, according to a 1986 procurement document obtained by Aviation Week. In the 1994 book Skunk Works, B Rich, former head of Lockheed's Skunk Works division, wrote that the Aurora was the budget codename for the stealth bomber that resulted in the B-2 Spirit.

In the late 1980s, many aviation industry observers believed that the United States had the technological capability to create a Mach 5 (supersonic speed) replacement for the aging Lockheed SR-71 Blackbird. A detailed review of the US defense budget claimed that money was missing or diverted to black projects.

In the mid-1990s, there were reports of unidentified aircraft flying over California and the United Kingdom containing oddly shaped contrails, speakers and associated foam, suggesting that the aircraft was developed by the United States. Nothing has ever linked these sightings to any program or type of aircraft, but the name Aurora has often been placed on them to explain the sightings.

Tr Aircraft

In late August 1989, while working as an engineer on the GSF Galveston Key lift barge in the North Sea, Chris Gibson saw an unidentified delta-wing aircraft apparently refueling a Boeing KC-135 Stratotanker and accompanied by a couple. F-111 fighter-bombers. Gibson watched the plane for a few minutes until they were out of sight. He then drew a sketch of the formation.

Tr B787 Flexsim Ato Boeing Type Rating

When the surveillance was made public in 1992, British Defense Secretary Tom King was told: "The military has no information about such a 'black' program, although it would not surprise relevant officers of the Air Staff and Defense Intelligence." if it existed."

AirForces Monthly reports that the September 26, 1994 crash at RAF Boscombe Down in Wiltshire is closely linked to "black" missions. Further investigation was hampered by USAF aircraft swarming the base. The employees of the special air service arrived in civilian clothes in an Agusta 109. The site of the impact was protected from view by fire protection tarpaulins and waterproof tarpaulins, and the base was closed to all traffic shortly thereafter.

An unsubstantiated claim on the Horsted Keynes village website allegedly shows photographs of the footprint left by an unusual sonic boom that reverberated through the village in July 2002. In 2005, this information was used in a BBC report on Project Aurora.

In mid-to-late 1991, a series of unusual sonic booms were detected in Southern California and recorded by US Geological Survey sources in Southern California, which were used to locate the epicenters of earthquakes.

Inflight Aviation And Travel

The speakers are typical of a smaller craft, not a 37 meter space shuttle. Additionally, neither the spacecraft nor any of NASA's SR-71Bs were operational on the days the booms were recorded.

The "Can I see?" which appeared in the July 3, 1992, Washington City Paper (pp. 12-13), one seismologist, Jim Mori, noted, “We can't say anything about the vehicle. They seem to be louder than the other sonic booms we record. once in a while. They all arrived around the same time on Thursday morning, between 4 and 7.”

Former NASA sonic boom expert Dom Maglieri studied 15 years of sonic boom data from Caltech University and concluded that the data showed "somewhat at 90,000 feet (about 27 km), Mach 4 to 5.2 they point to". He also said that the explosions did not come from planes passing through the atmosphere at Los Angeles International Airport, many miles away, but from a high-altitude, high-speed plane just above the ground.

Tr Aircraft

There was nothing concrete to connect these events to any aircraft, but they contributed to the Aurora stories.

Amazon.com: Vintage Photo Of Aircraft: Lockheed Tr 1

On March 23, 1992, near Amarillo, Texas, Steve Douglass photographed a "doughnut on a rope" and associated the sight with the distinctive sounds. He described the genie's noise as “a strange, loud pulsating hum...unique...a deep pulsating rumble that shook the house and rattled the windows...like the sound of a rocket, but deeper, with precisely timed pulses . In addition to providing the first photographs of the prominent trail that many had already reported, Douglass's radio intercept reports heightened the significance of this sighting: "Air-to-air communications...were between an AWACS aircraft with the call sign 'Dragnet 51' in Oklahoma from Tinker AFB and two unidentified aircraft with the callsigns "Darkstar November" and "Darkstar Mike". The messages consisted of phonetically transmitted alphanumeric characters. It is not known if this radio traffic had any connection to the "pulser" that just passed over Amarillo. ("Darkstar" is also the callsign of another squadron's AWACS aircraft at Tinker Airfield)

A month later in California, radio enthusiasts at the Edwards AFB Radar (call sign "Joshua Control") heard early morning radio transmissions between Joshua and a high-flying aircraft with the call sign "Gaspipe". It said, "You are at 67,000 feet, 81 miles away," then "70 miles now, 36,000 feet, above descent." As in the past, there was nothing tying these sightings to a specific aircraft or program, but the association with Aurora helped expand the footprint.

In February 1994, Chuck Clark, a former resident of Rachel, Nevada and resident of Area 51, claimed to have filmed an Aurora.

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Tr Aircraft - The Tri-R KIS TR-1 is an American homebuilt aircraft designed by Rich Trickel and manufactured by Tri-R Technologies of Oxnard, California and introduced in the 1990s. When available, the aircraft was supplied as an amateur construction kit.

Trickel's core business was High Tech Composites, which subcontracted many airframe components for aircraft such as the Lancair 235, Lancair 320 and Lancair IV. Trickel originally drew the new aircraft as a set of three views for an Australian client looking for a new traditional concept aircraft. The client liked the design but never paid for the drawings, so Trickel brought them home and did the design work himself. The new design eventually became the KIS TR-1.

Tr Aircraft

Tr Aircraft

The KIS TR-1 cantilevered underwing, enclosed cockpit, side-by-side two-seat configuration, accessible through gull-wing doors, with fixed tricycle landing gear or optional conventional landing gear, wheeled pants and single engine. in tractor configuration.

Odyssey Aviation Detroit

The plane is made of composites. Its 23.00 ft (7.0 m) span, rectangular wing uses a NACA 63-215 airfoil, fitted wings, and a wing area of ​​88.00 sq ft (8.175 m).

). The acceptable power range is 80–125 hp (60–93 kW), with standard engines being the 125 hp (93 kW) Continental O-240, the 108 hp (81 kW) Lycoming O-235-C1B, or the 80 HP (60 kW) Limbach L2000 drive unit.

The KIS TR-1 has a typical empty weight of 750 pounds (340 kg) and a gross weight of 1,300 pounds (590 kg), giving it a payload of 550 pounds (250 kg). With 20 US gallons (76 L; 17 imp gal) of full fuel, the payload for pilot, passenger and baggage is 430 lb (200 kg).

Standard day, sea level, no wind, 125 hp (93 kW) genie takeoff is 600 ft (183 m) and runway is 1,200 ft (366 m).

File:fiat Tr 1 Right Side Naca Aircraft Circular No.130.jpg

Original model with tricycle chassis and 1300 lb (590 kg) gross weight. By 1998, the company reported that 25 aircraft had been completed and flown.

As of March 2014, t examples were registered with the Federal Aviation Administration in the United States, although a total of 13 examples were registered at one time.

Conventional chassis ("Taildragger") with an empty weight of 800 lb (360 kg) and a gross weight of 1,425 lb (646 kg). Fuel is 34 US gallons (130 L; 28 imp gallons). By 1998, the company announced that eight aircraft were completed and flying."SR 91" redirects here. For other uses, see SR 91 (disambiguation). For the Canadian naval patrol aircraft, see Lockheed CP-140 Aurora.

Tr Aircraft

The Aurora was said to be an American reconnaissance aircraft from the mid-1980s. There is no significant evidence that it was ever built or flown, so it is called a myth.

F 35 Conducts First Flight With Tr 3 > Hill Air Force Base > Article Display

The US government kept dying that such an aircraft had ever been built. Aviation and space research site Aerospaceweb.org concluded: "The evidence supporting Aurora is circumstantial or mere speculation, with no reason to contradict the government's position."

Former Skunk Works director B Rich confirmed that "Aurora" was simply a myth in Skunk Works (1994), a book detailing his days as director. Rich wrote that a colonel at Ptagon arbitrarily assigned the name "Aurora" to fund a B-2 bomber design competition, and the name somehow leaked to the media.

In 2006, veteran black project watcher and aviation writer Bill Sweetman said, "Does Aurora exist? Years of chasing have led me to believe that, yes, Aurora is most likely under active development, driven by real advances in technology." to catch up with the ambition that started the program a generation ago."

The Aurora phase began in March 1990, when Aviation Week & Space Technology magazine reported that the term "Aurora" had been accidentally included in the 1985 US budget as $455 million for "black aircraft production" in fiscal year 1987. .

Italeri 2809 Lockheed Tr 1a/b 1:48 Plastic Model Kit

According to Aviation Week, Project Aurora referred to a group of exotic aircraft rather than a specific kite. Funding for the project reportedly reached $2.3 billion in fiscal year 1987, according to a 1986 procurement document obtained by Aviation Week. In the 1994 book Skunk Works, B Rich, former head of Lockheed's Skunk Works division, wrote that the Aurora was the budget codename for the stealth bomber that resulted in the B-2 Spirit.

In the late 1980s, many aviation industry observers believed that the United States had the technological capability to create a Mach 5 (supersonic speed) replacement for the aging Lockheed SR-71 Blackbird. A detailed review of the US defense budget claimed that money was missing or diverted to black projects.

In the mid-1990s, there were reports of unidentified aircraft flying over California and the United Kingdom containing oddly shaped contrails, speakers and associated foam, suggesting that the aircraft was developed by the United States. Nothing has ever linked these sightings to any program or type of aircraft, but the name Aurora has often been placed on them to explain the sightings.

Tr Aircraft

In late August 1989, while working as an engineer on the GSF Galveston Key lift barge in the North Sea, Chris Gibson saw an unidentified delta-wing aircraft apparently refueling a Boeing KC-135 Stratotanker and accompanied by a couple. F-111 fighter-bombers. Gibson watched the plane for a few minutes until they were out of sight. He then drew a sketch of the formation.

Tr B787 Flexsim Ato Boeing Type Rating

When the surveillance was made public in 1992, British Defense Secretary Tom King was told: "The military has no information about such a 'black' program, although it would not surprise relevant officers of the Air Staff and Defense Intelligence." if it existed."

AirForces Monthly reports that the September 26, 1994 crash at RAF Boscombe Down in Wiltshire is closely linked to "black" missions. Further investigation was hampered by USAF aircraft swarming the base. The employees of the special air service arrived in civilian clothes in an Agusta 109. The site of the impact was protected from view by fire protection tarpaulins and waterproof tarpaulins, and the base was closed to all traffic shortly thereafter.

An unsubstantiated claim on the Horsted Keynes village website allegedly shows photographs of the footprint left by an unusual sonic boom that reverberated through the village in July 2002. In 2005, this information was used in a BBC report on Project Aurora.

In mid-to-late 1991, a series of unusual sonic booms were detected in Southern California and recorded by US Geological Survey sources in Southern California, which were used to locate the epicenters of earthquakes.

Inflight Aviation And Travel

The speakers are typical of a smaller craft, not a 37 meter space shuttle. Additionally, neither the spacecraft nor any of NASA's SR-71Bs were operational on the days the booms were recorded.

The "Can I see?" which appeared in the July 3, 1992, Washington City Paper (pp. 12-13), one seismologist, Jim Mori, noted, “We can't say anything about the vehicle. They seem to be louder than the other sonic booms we record. once in a while. They all arrived around the same time on Thursday morning, between 4 and 7.”

Former NASA sonic boom expert Dom Maglieri studied 15 years of sonic boom data from Caltech University and concluded that the data showed "somewhat at 90,000 feet (about 27 km), Mach 4 to 5.2 they point to". He also said that the explosions did not come from planes passing through the atmosphere at Los Angeles International Airport, many miles away, but from a high-altitude, high-speed plane just above the ground.

Tr Aircraft

There was nothing concrete to connect these events to any aircraft, but they contributed to the Aurora stories.

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On March 23, 1992, near Amarillo, Texas, Steve Douglass photographed a "doughnut on a rope" and associated the sight with the distinctive sounds. He described the genie's noise as “a strange, loud pulsating hum...unique...a deep pulsating rumble that shook the house and rattled the windows...like the sound of a rocket, but deeper, with precisely timed pulses . In addition to providing the first photographs of the prominent trail that many had already reported, Douglass's radio intercept reports heightened the significance of this sighting: "Air-to-air communications...were between an AWACS aircraft with the call sign 'Dragnet 51' in Oklahoma from Tinker AFB and two unidentified aircraft with the callsigns "Darkstar November" and "Darkstar Mike". The messages consisted of phonetically transmitted alphanumeric characters. It is not known if this radio traffic had any connection to the "pulser" that just passed over Amarillo. ("Darkstar" is also the callsign of another squadron's AWACS aircraft at Tinker Airfield)

A month later in California, radio enthusiasts at the Edwards AFB Radar (call sign "Joshua Control") heard early morning radio transmissions between Joshua and a high-flying aircraft with the call sign "Gaspipe". It said, "You are at 67,000 feet, 81 miles away," then "70 miles now, 36,000 feet, above descent." As in the past, there was nothing tying these sightings to a specific aircraft or program, but the association with Aurora helped expand the footprint.

In February 1994, Chuck Clark, a former resident of Rachel, Nevada and resident of Area 51, claimed to have filmed an Aurora.

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Tr 1 Aircraft - The Tri-R Kiss TR-1 is an American homebuilt aircraft designed by Rich Trickel and produced by Tri-R Technologies of Oxnard, California, introduced in the 1990s. When available, the aircraft was supplied as a kit for hobbyist construction. .

Trickel's main business was High Tech Composites, a company that produced many aircraft components under contract for kit aircraft such as the Lancair 235, Lancair 320 and Lancair IV. Trickel originally drew a new aircraft as a set of three looks for a client in Australia who was looking for a new conventional aircraft concept. The client loved the design, but never paid for the drawings, so Trickel took them home and completed the design work himself. Eventually, the new design became the KIS TR-1.

Tr 1 Aircraft

Tr 1 Aircraft

The KIS TR-1 features an enclosed cockpit in a side-by-side two-seat configuration accessed through gull-wing doors, fixed tricycle landing gear, or optionally conventional landing gear with wheel pants and a single engine. In tractor configuration.

File:fiat Tr 1 Right Side Naca Aircraft Circular No.130.jpg

The plane is made of composites. Its 23 ft (7.0 m) rectangular wing uses a NACA 63-215 airfoil, mounts flaps and has a wing area of ​​8.175 m

). The suitable power range is 80–125 hp (60–93 kW) and the standard engines used are the 125 hp (93 kW) Continental O-240, the 108 hp (81 kW) Lycoming O-235-C1B or the 80 hp . . (60 kW) Limbach L2000 power plant.

The KIS TR-1 has a typical empty weight of 750 lb (340 kg) and a gross weight of 1,300 lb (590 kg), resulting in a payload of 550 lb (250 kg). With a total of 20 US it. gallons (76 L; 17 imp gal) of fuel, payload for pilot, passenger and baggage is 200 kg (430 lb).

On a normal day, sea level, no wind, take off with a 125 hp (93 kW) engine is 600 ft (183 m) and the landing roll is 1,200 ft (366 m).

Airco Tr.2; Aircraft \

Original model with tricycle landing gear and a gross weight of 590 kg (1,300 lb). In 1998 the company reported that 25 aircraft were completed and flying.

As of March 2014, these examples are registered in the United States with the Federal Aviation Administration, although a total of 13 were registered at the same time.

Version equipped with conventional landing gear ("taildragger"), with an empty weight of 800 lb (360 kg) and a gross weight of 1,425 lb (646 kg). Fuel is 34 US dollars. it. gallons (130 L; 28 imp gal). In 1998 the company reported that eight aircraft were completed and flying.

Tr 1 Aircraft

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Tr 1 Aircraft - The Tri-R Kiss TR-1 is an American homebuilt aircraft designed by Rich Trickel and produced by Tri-R Technologies of Oxnard, California, introduced in the 1990s. When available, the aircraft was supplied as a kit for hobbyist construction. .

Trickel's main business was High Tech Composites, a company that produced many aircraft components under contract for kit aircraft such as the Lancair 235, Lancair 320 and Lancair IV. Trickel originally drew a new aircraft as a set of three looks for a client in Australia who was looking for a new conventional aircraft concept. The client loved the design, but never paid for the drawings, so Trickel took them home and completed the design work himself. Eventually, the new design became the KIS TR-1.

Tr 1 Aircraft

Tr 1 Aircraft

The KIS TR-1 features an enclosed cockpit in a side-by-side two-seat configuration accessed through gull-wing doors, fixed tricycle landing gear, or optionally conventional landing gear with wheel pants and a single engine. In tractor configuration.

File:fiat Tr 1 Right Side Naca Aircraft Circular No.130.jpg

The plane is made of composites. Its 23 ft (7.0 m) rectangular wing uses a NACA 63-215 airfoil, mounts flaps and has a wing area of ​​8.175 m

). The suitable power range is 80–125 hp (60–93 kW) and the standard engines used are the 125 hp (93 kW) Continental O-240, the 108 hp (81 kW) Lycoming O-235-C1B or the 80 hp . . (60 kW) Limbach L2000 power plant.

The KIS TR-1 has a typical empty weight of 750 lb (340 kg) and a gross weight of 1,300 lb (590 kg), resulting in a payload of 550 lb (250 kg). With a total of 20 US it. gallons (76 L; 17 imp gal) of fuel, payload for pilot, passenger and baggage is 200 kg (430 lb).

On a normal day, sea level, no wind, take off with a 125 hp (93 kW) engine is 600 ft (183 m) and the landing roll is 1,200 ft (366 m).

Airco Tr.2; Aircraft \

Original model with tricycle landing gear and a gross weight of 590 kg (1,300 lb). In 1998 the company reported that 25 aircraft were completed and flying.

As of March 2014, these examples are registered in the United States with the Federal Aviation Administration, although a total of 13 were registered at the same time.

Version equipped with conventional landing gear ("taildragger"), with an empty weight of 800 lb (360 kg) and a gross weight of 1,425 lb (646 kg). Fuel is 34 US dollars. it. gallons (130 L; 28 imp gal). In 1998 the company reported that eight aircraft were completed and flying.

Tr 1 Aircraft

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Washington Conference Of 1921 - There may be some variation in any attempt to follow the rules of citation style. If you have questions, refer to the appropriate style manual or other resources.

Other titles: International Conference on Maritime Limits; Washington Conference on Arms Limitation Pacific Questions; Washington Naval Conference; Washington Conference on Disarmament in Washington

Washington Conference Of 1921

Washington Conference Of 1921

Encyclopaedia editors manage subject areas in which they have extensive knowledge, either through years of experience working on that subject or by studying a higher degree. They write new content and moderate content received from contributors.

Photo Members Of World Disarmament Conference, Washington, D.c. 1921 Men St

Washington Naval Conference, International Conference on Naval Limitation, (1921-22) An international conference organized by the United States to limit the naval arms race and create security agreements in the Pacific. A number of major and minor treaties were drafted and signed at the conference held in Washington, DC.

On December 13, 1921, the United States Great Britain The Four-Power Pact, signed by Japan and France, stipulates that all signatories "will consult each other in the event of a dispute concerning the Pacific question." The joint agreement states that they will respect each other's rights regarding the various Pacific islands and their rights. These agreements ensure that there is a consultative framework between the United States, Britain, and Japan. But the treaties are too vague to have any binding effect. Their chief importance was that they dissolved the Anglo-Japanese Alliance (1902; revised 1911), which had previously been a key means of maintaining the balance of power. East. Asia. Another paper defined Japan's "secret possessions and dominions."

United States Great Britain Japan On February 6, 1922, the Five Power Naval Limitation Treaty signed by France and Italy resulted from a proposal by US Secretary of State Charles Evans Hughes at the opening of the conference. There are nearly 1.9 million tons of warships owned by major powers. This bold disarmament proposal shocked the assembled delegates, but was actually implemented in a modified form. A detailed agreement was reached to determine the respective numbers and tonnages of capital ships to be possessed by the navies of each contracting nation. (Warships of more than 10,000 tons or capital ships carrying guns larger than 8 inches are usually designated battleships and aircraft carriers.) 5 in the United States and Britain; 3 for Japan and 1.67 each for France and Italy. The Five Powers Naval Limitation Treaty halted and diverted the race to build warships after World War I. 26 American ships; 24 British and 16 Japanese warships had to be removed and were under construction or under construction. Contracting nations have agreed to abandon their existing shipbuilding capital programs within 10 years, with some exceptions. Under another article of the treaty, United States Britain and Japan agreed to maintain the status quo regarding their forts and naval bases in the eastern Pacific.

The Naval Limitation Treaty remained in effect until the mid-1930s. At the time, Japan was trying to equal the United States and Britain in terms of the size and number of its capital ships. When this request was rejected by the other contracting states, Japan gave advance notice of its intention to terminate the treaty. Thus it ended at the end of 1936.

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Similarly, the five major powers signed a treaty to control the use of submarines and ban the use of poison gas.

Chemical Weapons in War). the netherlands Portugal In addition to Belgium and China, the nine-power agreement signed by the above-mentioned five powers is China's sovereign power. Independence and territorial integrity were confirmed and all countries were given equal trade rights. In a related treaty, the nine major powers formed an international commission to study China's tariff policies. The Washington Naval Conference, a disarmament conference called by the United States, was held in Washington DC on November 12 Held from 1921 to February 6, 1922.

Held outside the control of the League of Nations. It is participated by nine countries (United States, Japan, China, France, United Kingdom, Italy, Belgium, Netherlands and Portugal).

Washington Conference Of 1921

Germany had already disarmed under the terms of the Treaty of Versailles, so it was not invited to the conference. Soviet Russia was also not invited to the conference. It was the first arms control conference in history and is still studied by political scientists as a model for a successful disarmament movement.

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Four Powers Treaty It led to the Five Power Treaty (the Washington Naval Treaty, the Nine Power Treaty, the Nine Power Treaty, and many smaller agreements). These treaties kept the peace in the 1920s, but did not change the increasingly hostile world of the Great Depression.

The popular mood in the world throughout the 1920s was peace and disarmament. Wom had recently won the right to vote in many countries, helping politicians to believe that they could avoid future wars by winning votes that would enrich them financially and stop the arms race.

Around the world, leaders of the women's suffrage movement established international organizations such as the International Council of Women and the International Woman Suffrage Alliance. According to historian Martin Pugh, they had their greatest influence in the 1920s; "It raised women's contribution to the anti-war movement throughout the Western world," he wrote.

In the United States, Almost all major Protestant denominations and prominent Protestant discourses are staunch supporters of international peace efforts. They work together to educate local churches about the need for peace and disarmament.

Pdf) Public Opinion For Peace: Tactics Of Peace Activists At The Washington Conference On Naval Armament (1921 1922)

At the end of World War I, Britain still had the largest fleet of naval vessels, but its large ships fell into disuse and the United States and Japan rapidly built new warships. Britain and Japan were allied in a treaty that was due to expire in 1922. While there are no immediate risks, observers are increasingly focused on the long-term US-Japan rivalry for control of the Pacific Ocean. . Therefore, The British decided it was better to write to Washington than Tokyo. without necessity Major nations have signed a series of naval disarmament agreements to stop a violent and dangerous arms race.

The American delegation, led by Secretary of State Charles Evans Hughes, included Elihu Root; Includes Hry Cabot Lodge and Oscar Underwood.

The latter is the leader of the Democratic minority in Sate. The main purpose of the conference was to prevent Japanese naval expansion in the western Pacific waters, especially regarding the fortifications of the strategically valuable islands. Its secondary objectives were to achieve a final limit to Japanese expansionism and to reduce potential anti-British concerns. They would obliterate the Anglo-American alliance by dissolving the Anglo-Japanese alliance, agreeing to Japan a comfortable naval ratio, and the Japanese would accept to officially adopt the Op Door Policy in China.

Washington Conference Of 1921

The British, however, took a more cautious and aggressive approach. In fact, British officials brought several aspirations to the conference: peace and stability in the Western Pacific; Avoid a naval arms race with the United States. Preventing the spread of cough cough to areas under Japanese influence; Singapore While maintaining the security of Hong Kong and the Dominion countries, they did not commit to a specific laundry list of demands at the conference. Instead, They brought a vague vision of what the Western Pacific would look like after an agreement.

The Washington Conference, 1921 22: Naval Rivalry, East Asian Stability And The Road To Pearl Harbor (diplomacy & Statecraft (paperback))

Japanese officials were more concrete than the British and approached the conference with two main goals: to sign a naval treaty with Britain and the United States and to obtain formal recognition of Japan's special interest in Manchuria and Mongolia. Japanese officials brought other issues to the conference: Yap; In addition to the strong need to keep control of Siberia and Tsingtao, there was growing concern about the growing US fleet in the Pacific.

By intercepting and encrypting the Japanese government's secret instructions to its delegation, the Americans' hand was strengthened. A message describing the minimum acceptable fleet ratio for Tokyo; American negotiators used that knowledge to push the Japanese. This success led to the growth of such agencies in a series of attempts by the U.S. government to exploit eavesdropping and privacy technology.

The head of the Japanese delegation at the Washington Naval Conference was Prince Iyesato Tokugawa. During the first four decades of the twentieth century, the United States He led a political movement in Japan that promoted democracy and international friendship in Europe and Asia. His influence was evident in the negotiation and ratification of the Washington Naval Treaty.

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A New Washington Naval Conference For A Post Covid World?

Washington Crossing National Cemetery - On the last Thursday of every month, Washington Crossing National Cemetery in Bucks County hosts military funerals for veterans whose remains were never claimed by family and often left on the coroner's shelf.

This service for the "unguarded" began nearly a decade ago and includes the usual bugle, color guard and three rifle volleys.

Washington Crossing National Cemetery

Washington Crossing National Cemetery

Fast touches on the funeral ceremony for 14 veterans who died unattended. Interment was at Washington Crossing National Cemetery in Newtown, Pa. (Emma Lee/)

Williamson Masons Lend Skills To Washington Crossing National Cemetery

Thursday's ceremony honoring 14 veterans brought together people from across the region to ensure those who served are not forgotten. From motorcycle groups Warriors' Watch and the Patriot Guard to members of the Disabled American Veterans to a local congressman, about 100 people helped mark their service despite never having met the deceased.

Members of the Warriors' Watch Riders carry American flags during a funeral ceremony for fourteen unclaimed veterans. (Emma Lee/)

Carol Shelby Ford is a Langhorne-era Vietnam vet who rides her motorcycle every month, whether the dead are from the region or elsewhere. She and other riders put together a procession for veterans who served from World War II to the Gulf conflict.

"They didn't just say I'm only going to fight in Vietnam for Chester County," she said. "They fought for everyone."

Finally At Rest': Unclaimed Veterans Buried With Help From A Former Pa. Coroner's Office Intern And Reporters

An Army National Guard soldier stands behind the cremated remains of 14 fallen veterans whose remains were not collected. (Emma Lee/)

Like Ford, many attendees said they come to bury vets out of a sense of duty, a small token of gratitude for people who gave so much to their country and, in many cases, died alone.

"It could have been any of my relatives that could have died, and I wanted someone to be there for them like they were here to serve our country," explained Carol Rathbeger of Chester County, who left with her husband. from work. bring in the bodies.

Washington Crossing National Cemetery

Veterans hold flags during the funeral of 14 veterans who died unattended. Interment was at Washington Crossing National Cemetery in Newtown, Pa. (Emma Lee/)

See The Final Salute For World War Ii Veteran Nelson Henry Jr

Rathbeger is part of the 6B Network motorcycle group. The group learned of the incident through the Chester County Coroner's Office. The issue of undelivered remains

Justine Newman, a former Chester County Coroner's Office intern, identified nine of the bodies buried Thursday and coordinated with the 6B Network and other groups to generate local interest in the ceremony.

This is the second time she has helped identify and bury veterans whose military service would otherwise go unrecognized.

Justine Newman, a former Chester County Coroner's Office intern who helped identify veterans among the office's unclaimed remains, is presented with a memorial during the service for 14 veterans who died unattended. (Emma Lee/)

Washington Crossing National Cemetery

In the Bucks County Courier Times' ongoing Unclaimed series, investigative reporters have found that unclaimed remains are on the rise in our region and increasingly in the hands of county coroners.

"We found between Bucks County in Montgomery County and Burlington County, New Jersey, we probably found close to 300 people," said Jo Ciavaglia, one of the project's journalists.

Ciavaglia and her partner, James McGinnis, also attended Thursday's funeral to lay the remains of four Bucks County residents whose work helped identify them as veterans.

Washington Crossing National Cemetery

Jo Ciavaglia, an investigative reporter for the Bucks County Courier Times, attends the funerals of 14 veterans she helped identify through her reporting. (Emma Lee/)

Dayton's National Cemetery Honors Fallen Veterans This Memorial Day

One of the men buried was Leo Murphy, a veteran Ciavaglia had known from his days at homeless camps in Bristol Township.

"Leo talked to me about being a war veteran because my family was veterans," she said. "So I knew at least one veteran and I'm really, really happy that Leo will finally be at peace."

The remains of Leo D. Murphy (center), the first veteran identified by investigative reporter Jo Ciavaglia, along with those of 13 other veterans, are placed in niches at Washington Crossing National Cemetery. (Emma Lee/)

However, proving military service is often more tedious. Names were misspelled or misspelled on the records, and McGinnis said it's harder to run names through the Social Security Administration's post-2013 index.

Avenue Of Flags Display At National Cemetery In Pembroke Seeks Donations

Still, it's work that other coroners' offices have said they're willing to take on, and Newman, Ciavaglia and McGinnis have vowed to continue.

Is your source for factual, in-depth journalism and information. As a non-profit organization, we depend on the financial support of readers like you. Please give today.

In 2023 MLK Day offers services, events and volunteer opportunities in Bucks, Chester, Delaware and Montgomery counties.

Washington Crossing National Cemetery

For the first time in 43 years, the Pearl S. Buck Foundation is asking the public to nominate influential women, one of whom will receive an annual award.

Wreaths For Veterans At Washington Crossing

Despite the conditions in the apartment, most of the cats are friendly and in good condition, which will make it easier for the SPCA to prepare them for adoption.

Washington Commanders Phone Number - Redskins (redskins) refer to the original inhabitants of the American continent and are considered offensive in America.

That name and accompanying logo were already said goodbye in July 2020. Since then, the NFL team has been working under the temporary name Washington Football Team.

Washington Commanders Phone Number

Washington Commanders Phone Number

The name change came after decades of criticism, which grew louder in the summer of 2020 amid the debate about racism in America.

Washington Commanders Owners Are Exploring A Potential Sale Of The Nfl Team

The pressure on the Redskins management at the time increased significantly, but owner Dan Snyder wanted nothing to do with it. It didn't take long for the club's major corporate sponsors to get involved.

The role of FedEx was important in this. That company has announced that it will not stop financial support for the club if the tenure of the Redskins is not given up.

The club has not traditionally had a good reputation for racism. The Redskins were the last in the NFL to accept African-American players in 1962, under intense pressure from authorities at the time.

In 2020, the club began cutting all ties with George Preston Marshall, the creator of the Redskins name and proponent of racial segregation.

D.c.'s Nfl Team Now The Washington Commanders

For many fans and fans, the most important thing is that the name Redskins and their storied history are now truly written. Not everyone reacted with enthusiasm to the announcement of the new name.

Some of the people are negative because they are tired of the "knock down" on the critics. Another party finds the new name simply boring.

After owner Snyder announced that the term Redskins would be abandoned, he announced that he would involve the club's fans in the search for a new name.

Washington Commanders Phone Number

In particular, the name "Redwolves" often came up for the supporters, but that did not happen in the end. A legacy. A united future. We are the Washington Commanders #TakeCommand pic.twitter.com/Eav9NOV5Mm — Washington Commanders (@Commanders) February 2, 2022

Virginia Attorney General Opens Inquiry Into Nfl's Washington Commanders

"As an organization, we are excited to come together and rise together as one under our new identity, paying homage to our local roots and what it means to represent the nation's capital," said co-owner and co-CEO Daniel Snyder in a statement. . "As we begin our 90th season, it is important for the organization and our fans to pay tribute to our past traditions, history, heritage and the greats who came before us. We will continue to honor and represent Burgundy and the Gold, as we are shaping a The path to a new era in Washington. Today may be the first day for the Washington Commanders, but we are and always will be Washington."

The franchise spent the last two seasons as the Washington Football Team after retiring its previous nickname in the summer of 2020. The rest of the uniform remained the same, but the team's nickname was replaced by Washington on the chest.

A stylized W replaced the former club logo. Now a new W matching his fresh mark will take its place.

The new W is similar to the previous logo, but includes lines across the letter to create a bevelled look that is also more symmetrical than the previous W logo. progress'. The new badge is available in two color versions: burgundy with gold trim and gold with burgundy trim. The former will be considered the team's primary logo, while the club has also released a new vertically stacked wordmark and circular crest that aims to connect the franchise's past with its future.

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The new uniforms are a pretty drastic change from what the Washington franchise has worn for much of its history. Washington has the Commanders' nickname emblazoned on the chest of her burgundy top, while placing a gold-white-gold triple stripe on the sleeves. The burgundy pants appear to be just one solid color, though there weren't many images of any of the team's seemingly three sets of pants.

Washington's road uniform is an all-white kit with burgundy numbers with black trim and a Washington wordmark on the chest. The burgundy number has a gradient consisting of a dot pattern that appears to be almost perforated and matches the gradation of the sleeves within two burgundy borders of colored sections that fill the sleeve part of the jersey. Within this gradient is a black stripe that replaces the white part of the sleeve strip on the home jersey.

Washington also introduced an alternate, all-black uniform that appears to capitalize on the team's military imagery, placing the nickname on the chest and the players' names on the back plate. The all-black kit features gold numbers with a burgundy border and includes an alternative black helmet in what could be seen as a preview of a possible future uniform variety following the decision to scrap the one-shell rule after this season. Washington's black helmet features player numbers on the side and the team's W logo on the front in a slightly odd twist on the helmet design.

Washington Commanders Phone Number

The best element of the team's new look has to be its main helmet, which wears the burgundy and gold design with a new twist. The burgundy shell has a metallic, satin finish that is pleasing to the eye when viewed with its matching burgundy face mask. Washington returns to a striped helmet, but uses only one gold stripe in the center. The team's new W logo is on both sides of the helmet.

Washington Football Team Picks Commanders As New Name

As with any rebranding, adjusting to the club's new name and look will take some time. But the newly formed Commanders have their own identity after two years without a proper nickname.

Mr. Chairman, inform your commander that he is welcome to stop the practice at any time! #TakeCommand https://t.co/45TiasBjBy — Ron Rivera (@RiverboatRonHC) February 2, 2022

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Photos: See The Washington Commanders' New Uniforms, Logo

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Washington Commanders Phone Number

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Washington Football Team Renamed The Commanders

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Washington Commanders Phone Number

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Washington Commanders Football Team\

Tr 3 Aircraft - "SR 91" redirects here. For other uses, see SR 91 (disambiguation). For the Canadian maritime patrol aircraft, see Lockheed CP-140 Aurora.

The Aurora was a popular American reconnaissance aircraft in the mid-1980s. There is little evidence that it was ever built or flown, and it has been called a myth.

Tr 3 Aircraft

Tr 3 Aircraft

The US government is determined to build such an aircraft. Aerospaceweb.org, an aviation and space reference site, concluded, "The evidence supporting Aurora is circumstantial or pure speculation, and there is no reason to dispute the government's position."

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Former Skunkworks director B. Rich confirmed that "Aurora" was a myth, detailing his days as a director at Skunkworks (1994). Rich wrote that a colonel working in the Pentagon had arbitrarily given the name "Aurora" to fund a B-2 bomber design competition, and somehow the name was leaked to the media.

In 2006, veteran Black Project observer and aviation writer Bill Sweetman said, "Does the Aurora exist? Years of tracking have convinced me that, yes, the Aurora is in active development, driven by precise advances that have allowed technology to achieve . ambition that started the program a generation ago."

Aurora legd Launched in March 1990, Aviation Week & Space Technology magazine reported that $455 million had been allocated for "black jet construction" in fiscal year 1987 and that the word "Aurora" had inadvertently been included in the 1985 US budget. .

According to Aviation Week, Project Aurora refers to a group of foreign aircraft, not a specific airframe. According to a 1986 procurement document obtained by Aviation Week, funding for the project in fiscal year 1987 allegedly totaled $2.3 billion. In the 1994 book Skunk Works, Bea Rich, former head of Lockheed's Skunk Works division, wrote that Aurora was the budget codename for the stealth bomber flight that spawned the B-2 Spirit.

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By the late 1980s, many space industry observers believed that the US had the technological capability to produce a Mach 5 (hypersonic speed) replacement for the aging Lockheed SR-71 Blackbird. A detailed examination of the distributed US budget revealed that money was missing or allegedly diverted to black projects.

In the mid-1990s, sightings of unidentified aircraft flying over California and the United Kingdom emerged, including oddly shaped contrails, sonic booms and associated foam, suggesting that the US had developed such an aircraft. Nothing has linked these sightings to any program or type of aircraft, but the name Aurora has often been tagged as a way to explain the sightings.

In late August 1989, while working as a guinea aboard the jack-up barge GSF Galveston Key in the North Sea, Chris Gibson saw an unidentified delta plane in the shape of an isosceles triangle, refueling from a Boeing KC-135 Stratotanker and i accompanied by a party. F-111 fighter-bomber. Gibson watched the plane for several minutes until it disappeared. He then drew a sketch of the formation.

Tr 3 Aircraft

When the footage became public in 1992, British Defense Secretary Tom King was told: "The Ministry of Defense is not aware of any such 'black' programme, although it would not surprise the relevant desk officers at Air Headquarters . Staff of Diffuse Intelligence if it existed."

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A crash at RAF Boscombe Down in Wiltshire on 26 September 1994 appeared to be closely linked to "black" missions, according to a report in Air Force Magazine. USAF jets scrambled to the base, preventing further investigation. Special Air Service personnel boarded Augusta 109 in civilian clothes. The crash site was cordoned off with fire hoses and tires, and the base was quickly closed to all aircraft.

An unsubstantiated claim on the Horsted Keynes village website shows photos of the trail left behind by an unusual sonic boom that was heard in the village in July 2002. This information was used in a 2005 BBC report on the Aurora project .

A series of unusual sonic booms were detected in Southern California in mid-to-late 1991, and ssors were recorded throughout Southern California by the United States Geological Survey to identify earthquake epicenters.

Sound booms were a feature of the vehicle, which was smaller than the Space Shuttle Orbiter at 37 meters long. Also, neither the shuttle nor NASA's lone SR-71B aircraft were operational on the days the booms were recorded.

Aviation Photographs Of Lockheed Tr 1a

In the article "Plain Sight?" Appearing in the Washington City Gazette on July 3, 1992 (pp. 12-13), one of the seismologists, Jim Morey, said, "We can't say anything about the vehicle. They seem louder than other sonic booms that us" Occasionally, they are all at the same time on Thursday morning, 4 came between 7."

Former NASA sonic boom expert Dom Maglieri studied 15 years of sonic boom data from the California Institute of Technology and estimated that the data showed "90,000 ft (about 27 km), Mach 4 to Mach 5.2.. He said they were not like booms from airplanes flying through the atmosphere miles from Los Angeles International Airport, but rather like booms from a high-altitude plane traveling at high speed.

There was nothing special to connect these objects to any aircraft, but they helped to increase the number of stories about the aurora.

Tr 3 Aircraft

On March 23, 1992, near Amarillo, Texas, Steve Douglas photographed a cone called "Donuts on a Rope" and associated the sight with peculiar sounds. He described the sound of the genus as: “A strange, loud pulsating rumble... a unique... deep pulsating rumble that shook the house and rattled the windows... similar to a rocket barrel sound, but with deeper and timed pulsations. " The first of the apparent contradictions previously reported by many In addition to providing the photographs, the significance of this footage was influenced by Douglas's reports of jamming radio transmissions: "The air-to-air communications...were between an AWACS aircraft. Call sign "Dragnet 51" from Tinker AFB, Oklahoma and "Darkstar November," "and two unidentified aircraft using the call signs "Darkstar Mike." The messages consisted of alphanumerics transmitted phonetically. It is not known if this radio traffic was related. A "Pulsar" flew over Amarillo. ("Darkstar" was from another squadron at Tinker AFB. (also a call sign for AWACS aircraft)

Ps 05/a Fighter Radar

A month later, radio operators in California monitoring the Edwards AFB radar (dubbed "Joshua Control") heard a radio transmission between Joshua and a high-flying aircraft marked "Gaspipe" in the early morning hours. Heard "You're at 67,000 feet, 81 miles out," followed by "70 miles out, 36,000 feet, over the glide slope." As in the past, these sightings were not linked to any particular aircraft or program, but attribution to Aurora helped develop the leg.

In February 1994, Chuck Clark, a former Area 51 resident of Rachel, Nevada, claimed to have filmed the Aurora rising from the Groom Lake facility. In David Darlington's book Area 51: The Dreamland Chronicles he said:

I have seen an aurora take off one night—or rather an aircraft matching the famous configuration of the aurora, a sharp delta with twin tails about one hundred and thirty feet long. The taxi left the burning hangar around 2:30 am. Many runways were used for takeoff. There was a red light on it, but the moment the wheels left the track, the light went out and that was the last thing I saw. I didn't hear it because the wind was blowing at my back at the base." I asked him what had happened. "February 1994. They didn't think there was anyone outside. It was thirty below zero - ninety below with the wind chill factor. I walked another and more difficult route to Ana e Bardhë, where I spent two or three days among the rocks, with six layers of clothing under a camouflage tarp. I had an insulated face mask and two sleeping bags, so I didn't leave a heat signature. I recorded the flight with a telescope attached to a Hi-Eight digital video camera with five hundred millimeter f4 LS, five hundred and twenty-five scan lines through the C-ring, which is better than TV." The author asked: "Where's the tape?" " Closed. It's a legitimate spy plane; My goal is not to abandon legitimate national defense. When they're ready to reveal it, I'll probably release the tape."[16] Additional claims [edit]

By 1996, reports associated with the name Aurora had decreased in frequency, suggesting that people who believed the aircraft existed had only ever been a prototype or that it had a short service life.

Stealth Supersonic Spy Jet' Spotted Near Oregon Air Base Leaves Conspiracy Theorists Guessing

In 2000, Aberdeen Press and Journal writer Nick Outerside wrote an article on covert American technology in Scotland. Citing confidential "sources", he claimed that RAF/USAF Machrihanish in Kintyre, Argyll, was the base for the Aurora aircraft. Machrihanish's nearly 2-mile (3.2 km) long runway is ideal for high-altitude and experimental aircraft with an open coastal approach, ideal for takeoffs and landings well away from prying eyes and cameras.

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Tr 3 Aircraft - "SR 91" redirects here. For other uses, see SR 91 (disambiguation). For the Canadian maritime patrol aircraft, see Lockheed CP-140 Aurora.

The Aurora was a popular American reconnaissance aircraft in the mid-1980s. There is little evidence that it was ever built or flown, and it has been called a myth.

Tr 3 Aircraft

Tr 3 Aircraft

The US government is determined to build such an aircraft. Aerospaceweb.org, an aviation and space reference site, concluded, "The evidence supporting Aurora is circumstantial or pure speculation, and there is no reason to dispute the government's position."

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Former Skunkworks director B. Rich confirmed that "Aurora" was a myth, detailing his days as a director at Skunkworks (1994). Rich wrote that a colonel working in the Pentagon had arbitrarily given the name "Aurora" to fund a B-2 bomber design competition, and somehow the name was leaked to the media.

In 2006, veteran Black Project observer and aviation writer Bill Sweetman said, "Does the Aurora exist? Years of tracking have convinced me that, yes, the Aurora is in active development, driven by precise advances that have allowed technology to achieve . ambition that started the program a generation ago."

Aurora legd Launched in March 1990, Aviation Week & Space Technology magazine reported that $455 million had been allocated for "black jet construction" in fiscal year 1987 and that the word "Aurora" had inadvertently been included in the 1985 US budget. .

According to Aviation Week, Project Aurora refers to a group of foreign aircraft, not a specific airframe. According to a 1986 procurement document obtained by Aviation Week, funding for the project in fiscal year 1987 allegedly totaled $2.3 billion. In the 1994 book Skunk Works, Bea Rich, former head of Lockheed's Skunk Works division, wrote that Aurora was the budget codename for the stealth bomber flight that spawned the B-2 Spirit.

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By the late 1980s, many space industry observers believed that the US had the technological capability to produce a Mach 5 (hypersonic speed) replacement for the aging Lockheed SR-71 Blackbird. A detailed examination of the distributed US budget revealed that money was missing or allegedly diverted to black projects.

In the mid-1990s, sightings of unidentified aircraft flying over California and the United Kingdom emerged, including oddly shaped contrails, sonic booms and associated foam, suggesting that the US had developed such an aircraft. Nothing has linked these sightings to any program or type of aircraft, but the name Aurora has often been tagged as a way to explain the sightings.

In late August 1989, while working as a guinea aboard the jack-up barge GSF Galveston Key in the North Sea, Chris Gibson saw an unidentified delta plane in the shape of an isosceles triangle, refueling from a Boeing KC-135 Stratotanker and i accompanied by a party. F-111 fighter-bomber. Gibson watched the plane for several minutes until it disappeared. He then drew a sketch of the formation.

Tr 3 Aircraft

When the footage became public in 1992, British Defense Secretary Tom King was told: "The Ministry of Defense is not aware of any such 'black' programme, although it would not surprise the relevant desk officers at Air Headquarters . Staff of Diffuse Intelligence if it existed."

Turkey Powers On With Ambitious Schedule For New Stealth Fighter

A crash at RAF Boscombe Down in Wiltshire on 26 September 1994 appeared to be closely linked to "black" missions, according to a report in Air Force Magazine. USAF jets scrambled to the base, preventing further investigation. Special Air Service personnel boarded Augusta 109 in civilian clothes. The crash site was cordoned off with fire hoses and tires, and the base was quickly closed to all aircraft.

An unsubstantiated claim on the Horsted Keynes village website shows photos of the trail left behind by an unusual sonic boom that was heard in the village in July 2002. This information was used in a 2005 BBC report on the Aurora project .

A series of unusual sonic booms were detected in Southern California in mid-to-late 1991, and ssors were recorded throughout Southern California by the United States Geological Survey to identify earthquake epicenters.

Sound booms were a feature of the vehicle, which was smaller than the Space Shuttle Orbiter at 37 meters long. Also, neither the shuttle nor NASA's lone SR-71B aircraft were operational on the days the booms were recorded.

Aviation Photographs Of Lockheed Tr 1a

In the article "Plain Sight?" Appearing in the Washington City Gazette on July 3, 1992 (pp. 12-13), one of the seismologists, Jim Morey, said, "We can't say anything about the vehicle. They seem louder than other sonic booms that us" Occasionally, they are all at the same time on Thursday morning, 4 came between 7."

Former NASA sonic boom expert Dom Maglieri studied 15 years of sonic boom data from the California Institute of Technology and estimated that the data showed "90,000 ft (about 27 km), Mach 4 to Mach 5.2.. He said they were not like booms from airplanes flying through the atmosphere miles from Los Angeles International Airport, but rather like booms from a high-altitude plane traveling at high speed.

There was nothing special to connect these objects to any aircraft, but they helped to increase the number of stories about the aurora.

Tr 3 Aircraft

On March 23, 1992, near Amarillo, Texas, Steve Douglas photographed a cone called "Donuts on a Rope" and associated the sight with peculiar sounds. He described the sound of the genus as: “A strange, loud pulsating rumble... a unique... deep pulsating rumble that shook the house and rattled the windows... similar to a rocket barrel sound, but with deeper and timed pulsations. " The first of the apparent contradictions previously reported by many In addition to providing the photographs, the significance of this footage was influenced by Douglas's reports of jamming radio transmissions: "The air-to-air communications...were between an AWACS aircraft. Call sign "Dragnet 51" from Tinker AFB, Oklahoma and "Darkstar November," "and two unidentified aircraft using the call signs "Darkstar Mike." The messages consisted of alphanumerics transmitted phonetically. It is not known if this radio traffic was related. A "Pulsar" flew over Amarillo. ("Darkstar" was from another squadron at Tinker AFB. (also a call sign for AWACS aircraft)

Ps 05/a Fighter Radar

A month later, radio operators in California monitoring the Edwards AFB radar (dubbed "Joshua Control") heard a radio transmission between Joshua and a high-flying aircraft marked "Gaspipe" in the early morning hours. Heard "You're at 67,000 feet, 81 miles out," followed by "70 miles out, 36,000 feet, over the glide slope." As in the past, these sightings were not linked to any particular aircraft or program, but attribution to Aurora helped develop the leg.

In February 1994, Chuck Clark, a former Area 51 resident of Rachel, Nevada, claimed to have filmed the Aurora rising from the Groom Lake facility. In David Darlington's book Area 51: The Dreamland Chronicles he said:

I have seen an aurora take off one night—or rather an aircraft matching the famous configuration of the aurora, a sharp delta with twin tails about one hundred and thirty feet long. The taxi left the burning hangar around 2:30 am. Many runways were used for takeoff. There was a red light on it, but the moment the wheels left the track, the light went out and that was the last thing I saw. I didn't hear it because the wind was blowing at my back at the base." I asked him what had happened. "February 1994. They didn't think there was anyone outside. It was thirty below zero - ninety below with the wind chill factor. I walked another and more difficult route to Ana e Bardhë, where I spent two or three days among the rocks, with six layers of clothing under a camouflage tarp. I had an insulated face mask and two sleeping bags, so I didn't leave a heat signature. I recorded the flight with a telescope attached to a Hi-Eight digital video camera with five hundred millimeter f4 LS, five hundred and twenty-five scan lines through the C-ring, which is better than TV." The author asked: "Where's the tape?" " Closed. It's a legitimate spy plane; My goal is not to abandon legitimate national defense. When they're ready to reveal it, I'll probably release the tape."[16] Additional claims [edit]

By 1996, reports associated with the name Aurora had decreased in frequency, suggesting that people who believed the aircraft existed had only ever been a prototype or that it had a short service life.

Stealth Supersonic Spy Jet' Spotted Near Oregon Air Base Leaves Conspiracy Theorists Guessing

In 2000, Aberdeen Press and Journal writer Nick Outerside wrote an article on covert American technology in Scotland. Citing confidential "sources", he claimed that RAF/USAF Machrihanish in Kintyre, Argyll, was the base for the Aurora aircraft. Machrihanish's nearly 2-mile (3.2 km) long runway is ideal for high-altitude and experimental aircraft with an open coastal approach, ideal for takeoffs and landings well away from prying eyes and cameras.

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Tpu San Diego - Cemeteries in Indonesia are divided into two, namely those managed by the government and those managed by the private sector. The prices offered are of course different, from regular and cheap prices to VIP elite class and reach billions of rupees.

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San Diego Hills is one of the most expensive public cemeteries in Indonesia, which offers comprehensive facilities and quality services, located in Karawang, West Java.

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Details of the services and facilities at San Diego Hills are designed to respect the proper burial procedures for each of the different religions and traditions in Indonesia.

Al-Azhar Islamic Residential School Foundation (YPI) also develops an elite funeral service targeting affluent Muslims who want a Shariah-compliant burial with quality services.

Named after Al Azhar's official website, this public cemetery covers an area of ​​25 hectares in East Karawang District. Al-Azhar Memorial Park is ready for the bodies of about 29,000 Muslims from Greater Jakarta, Karawang, Cikarang, Bandung and surrounding areas.

Paradise Memorial Park was built in 2002 with 125 hectares of cemetery land in Bogor, Tangerang and Banten.

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These burial grounds have different prices depending on the type. It costs IDR 27,360,000 for one size of land. Then there is the Gold-Gold package worth IDR 35.9 million and the Platinum package worth IDR 39.9 million. Something that has been used before. See seller's listing for full details and description of defects. View all open position definitions in a new window or tab

* Estimated delivery dates - opens in a new window or tab, including seller's business hours, origin zip code, destination zip code and pickup time, and will depend on the shipping service selected and payment cleared. Delivery times may vary, especially during peak times. Notes - Delivery * Estimated delivery dates include seller's lead time, source Zip Code, destination Zip Code and pickup time and will depend on shipping service selected and payment received. Delivery times may vary, especially during peak times.

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Eligible purchases eligible for Interest Free if paid in full within 6 months on purchases of $99 or more. There may be other suggestions.

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If the balance is not paid in full within 6 months, interest will be charged to your account from the date of purchase. Minimum monthly payments are required. Subject to credit approval. View Terms - For PayPal Credit, opens in new window or tappu san diego hills - The final resting place is a sanctuary where comfort should be considered. One of the most convenient and best options is sandiego hills. San Diego Hills Memorial Park Cemetery is the right place with a payment system that makes it easy for customers as discussed below.

Many people think that the mountains of San Diego are expensive. This thinking is not wrong, but also not true, because expensive or cheap is very relative. There are many tolls that can be done in the Sandiego Mountains. Some of these payment systems will be changed later depending on the ordering system. This difference provides a lot of convenience, as will be discussed in detail here.

First, there is a very useful ordering system. With this system, customers can order graves while preparing them. If there is no mourning event during the order of the grave, arrangements are made for the order of this grave. Or there was no grief 3x24 hours after ordering the grave. Payment in this reservation system can be made by cash or credit.

The second is to order according to need, that is, it is needed immediately. It could have been before the 3×24 hour grief happened. This can be confirmed by a doctor's death certificate. Due to urgency, this order system can only accept payments in hard currency for Ore Need purchases without receiving an additional 10% discount as with hard currency purchases.

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This order is made if you want to have a grave close to your loved one. The discount is usually adjustable. However, especially for single burial types, the price of pairs is much cheaper than singles. Since all double packs are priced the same, this Rp. 110 million and the unit price starts from Rp. 64 million.

Especially for an order with this same package, it can only be done if you order one type of funeral at the same time as 10 funerals when ordering. When shopping with family packages like these, there are additional discounts that are quite significant.

A little has been said before about hard cash payments. Where any payment is made immediately. This discount is usually only up to 10%. However, this only applies to pre-order purchases. But that doesn't mean it won't benefit from the same payment system.

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This payment can only be made if the need is purchased in advance. Portion symbols will also be provided and will be very easy for customers. Customer installments can take up to 50 months. In addition, the interest charged with this installment method is 0%, meaning no interest for 12 installments. So the payment will be fixed.

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There are many themes to choose from in this funeral. There are universal themes, Islamic themes and also oriental/Chinese themes. In all these themes, there will be a building that can be chosen according to the type of tomb that can be ordered. So you can say that the sandiego mountains are really suitable for everyone with different beliefs.

It is hoped to bring more knowledge to the community with all the information about the payment system, ordering and also what nuances can be chosen in San Diego Hills. So, if you want to place a grave order, you won't have to hesitate anymore

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